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Our school bags are not just backpacks – they are manufactured with special features and designs to make them as optimal for back health as possible. Marathon is proud to be the UK’s only manufacturer of backpacks which are endorsed for their ability to protect children’s backs.

Chiropractors’ Association of Australia

CAA Endorsed logo

The Chiropractors’ Association of Australia (CAA), together with Spartan* and Macquarie University (NSW) joined forces to research and develop the ChiroPak. This durable, functional and comfortable backpack is proven to reduce the incidence and severity of neck and back pain associated with the carriage of heavy loads.

The ChiroPak is the only backpack endorsed by the CAA.

Click here to view a statement from the CAA

Australian Physiotherapy Association


The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA), together with Spartan* and the University of South Australia, joined forces to research and develop the PhysioPak. This backpack is proven to minimise harmful postural response and significantly reduce associated back pain, neck pain and minor spinal injury.

The PhysioPak is the only backpack endorsed by the APA.

Click here to view a statement from the APA

*Marathon’s sister company and leading supplier to Australian schools.

Read what our customers say aBout our Bags

“They are strong, durable and last for many years, enabling them to be passed down to siblings making them extremely cost effective for families.”

Bromsgrove School, Worcestershire

“The boys need them for 7 years and usually they last the lifetime of the boys being at school.This makes them very good value for money.”

Whitgift School, Croydon